Aberlour A'bunadh cask strength batch 51 亞伯樂 雪莉桶原酒 (700ml 60.8%)~
它位於斯貝塞的中心,是優質蘇格蘭威士忌原料大麥的產地。亞伯樂以既長且寬的蒸餾器形狀,製造出酒質均衡香醇,口感多層次。獨一無二的地理環境,加上酒廠先進的技術,早在19世紀時,亞伯樂酒廠便享有「最完美現代蒸餾廠」的美譽。 Aberlour蒸餾廠位於蘇格蘭Benrinnes山山腳下,周圍有著迷人的風景及清澈的流水,距酒廠不遠處有一Ruthie瀑布,瀑布高近10米,水沿山壁傾洩直下水流形成一條溪名為Lour,再匯入Spey River,"Aberlour"其蓋爾語即為"mouth of the Lour" 。 酒廠早期用水皆來自於聖卓斯敦水井(St.Drostan Well),這口井具有一千多年的歷史,也是當地教士為蘇格蘭高地居民,施以受洗禮的水源,天然純淨的聖水水源,就是亞伯樂威士忌品質最佳的保證。 目前Aberlour蒸餾廠已改用由Benrinnes山所流下來的山泉水源。Aberlour單一麥芽威士忌所呈現的,是相當獨特的馥郁與高複雜度。一直以來法國人對Aberlour最情有獨鍾,因此很多高檔罕見的亞伯樂產品,只限定在法國當地銷售。 色澤: 鮮豔的金黃色 香氣: 混合著香料、黑巧克力與生薑調和出來 口感: 甜甜的楓糖漿、巧克力、紅葡萄、肉桂、橡樹雨水融合口感會更加濃厚 尾韻: 濃郁的肉桂和甜而不膩的楓糖環繞在口中 |
Aberlour a'Bunadh #51 Bottling Note~
Aberlour's a'Bunadh series has reached it 51st batch! As ever, this is a well Sherried single malt matured in Spanish Oloroso Sherry butts, then bottled at cask strength (for this batch, it was bottled at 60.8% ABV), resulting in masses of intense Sherried goodness. Chewy chocolate-covered-raisin notes, licks of cinnamon spice, a touch of nuttiness - it's all there. Yum. Tasting note~ Color:Impressive deep bronze / burnished copper appearance Nose:Nosing reveals cocoa, sweet cereals, vanilla, hints of honey and a mild nose prickle. A medley of dried fruits is introduced at subsequent stages, as well as hints of apple. Palate: The palate delivers a thick, full bodied, concentrated dram that expands throughout the mouth as the mildly prickly, warming spirit releases brown sugar, liquorice bullets, vanilla and waves of pulsing spices. FINISH: Finish is momentarily plush and juicy as hints of dried fruit evaporate. It concludes long with suggestions of roasted nuts, cocoa and drying oak. CONCLUSION: A typically full throttle A'bunadh. Balances out beautifully with a splash of water. RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME Time travelling to a land of lost sweets. |