Glenfiddich 40 years 格蘭菲迪40年 單一純麥威士忌 (700ml 44.5%) 限量編號101~ 40年的格蘭菲迪分別在1961年、1965年和1966年裝桶進行熟成,這些年份意義獨具,分別是披頭四第一次在利物浦的Cavem Club演出,英國首相邱吉爾逝世以及電影「真善美 The Sound of Music」上映的年份。40年份包裝於硬橡木盒中,並附上知名威士忌作家Michael Jackson詳細的品嚐筆記,Michael Jackson這樣形容格蘭菲迪40年:「並不是所有的威士忌都適合如此長時間的熟成,但是格蘭菲迪卻是再完美不過的候選者。40年份包含了絲綢般的悠 雅,充滿魅力又富有挑戰性。坐下來細細品嚐它,真是難得的品酩樂趣。」40年份堪稱極品中的極品,2003年並被票選為世界上最優秀的單一純麥威士忌。 完美和諧的香氣 首席調酒師親自挑選品質絕佳的原桶酒與調製上一款 40 年珍稀威士忌時剩餘的原酒進行完美融合處理。格蘭菲迪40年單一純麥威士忌豐富的層次與和諧的香氣,正是首席調酒師的精心傑作。 品質最好的橡木酒桶 格蘭菲迪40年單一純麥威士忌採用品質最佳的歐撒克山(Ozark Mountain)美國橡木桶進行熟成處理,這批橡木來自密蘇里州與阿肯色州之間的森林。同時,這款威士忌也在西班牙與葡萄牙品質最佳的歐洲橡木酒桶裡時熟成。在波本與雪莉酒的催化下,橡木張開毛孔,呼吸、軟化並吸收各種層次的細緻氣味,這些氣味將隨著時間增長與改變。 花旗松發酵槽中的發酵處理 我們相信木材與酒醪之間的生物性交互作用將影響威士忌的最後風味。因此,即使在發酵階段,我們仍採用花旗松打造的發酵槽作為發酵處理的容器,當其他業者已改用不鏽鋼槽,這個傳統始終維護著格蘭菲迪威士忌的特質。 |
Glenfiddich 40 Year Old Bottling Note Glenfiddich is the best selling single malt in the world and it is easy to see why when you try this incredibly rare, multi-award winning, forty year old bottling. Glenfiddich use a process called 'remnant vatting' which means they take some of the previous vatting of the last forty year old and add it to the new batch. In theory this means there could be some much older stock in your bottle than the measly forty years it advertises... Either way we're not complaining. Tasting Note~ Nose: So very rich with macerated black cherries, luxurious dark chocolate, dried fruits and bramley apples steeped in Cognac. Palate: Silky verging on ethereal; chocolate, spiced apples, dates, raisins and candied orange peel make up this mouth-coatingly amazing dram. Finish: Long edging on ridiculous. As expected with a whisky this old the finish just keeps on going. Expect pears, cinnamon, nutmeg, chocolate shavings and espresso. Overall: This malt has perfect balance, there are big flavours cut with subtle ones. It is full-bodied but not abrasive. It is quite simply excellent. |