Glenfiddich Snow Phoenix 格蘭菲迪 雪鳳凰 (700ml 47.6%)~ 一場大雪,見證鳳凰誕生 The light shining through the warehouse roofs looked like a phoenix rising above us. ~布蘭恩•金斯曼 Brain Kinsman 2010年一月的一場大雪,籠罩位於蘇格蘭的格蘭菲迪酒廠。其中蘇格蘭鹿之川河畔的四座倉庫也受到嚴酷的暴風雪波及,不敵屋頂上厚重的積雪而壓垮崩塌,而於倉庫中熟成的威士忌橡木酒桶,就在極寒的夜裡,暴露在冰天雪地的夜空下。 格蘭菲迪酒廠團隊在第一時間組織了搶救小組,投入保護橡木桶與清理積雪的工作,就為了將那珍貴的陳年威士忌搶救出來。搶救小組成員們忍受著零下19度的刺骨嚴寒,日以繼夜地將團隊精神發揮到淋漓盡致,竭力保護多年來醞釀的心血結晶。格蘭菲迪首席調酒師─布萊恩‧金斯曼(Brian Kinsman),在重返事故現場後,深受搶救小組排除萬難的無畏精神而感動,秉著格蘭菲迪的開創精神,為了紀念這次震撼格蘭菲迪酒廠歷史的事件,決定將搶救出的陳年威士忌調配出獨一無二的酒款─雪鳳凰 。 在坍塌倉庫中,首席調酒師─布萊恩‧金斯曼(Brian Kinsman)嚴選出不同風味、不同熟成年份的橡木桶(主要為裝過Oloroso雪莉桶的酒桶,和美國白橡木桶),未經冷凝過濾,保留威士忌原始醇厚香氣,調和出此一無年份單一純麥威士忌,完美詮釋了歷練與重生的真諦。 格蘭菲迪團隊有感於在冰天凍地中不眠不休的艱辛搶救過程,決定將這款全球限量版的雪鳳凰獻給駐守在斯貝河畔中心地區的志工救難團隊CMRT(Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team),推崇他們在惡劣環境下全力搶救生命的高尚情懷與勇氣。首席調酒師─布萊恩‧金斯曼(Brian Kinsman)也特別邀請CMRT團隊成員,出席一場位於半山腰舉辦的品酒會,在高海拔品嚐雪鳳凰,也讓格蘭菲迪的純麥大師們體會,不同溫度下,威士忌的獨特口感。 全球雪鳳凰珍稀酒款僅2010雪災事件限量一批,不再生產,此酒款附獨特精緻的黑色金屬盒及雪鳳凰限量精裝筆記本,把頂級冷冽極致珍藏享受,獻給喜愛威士忌的朋友們。 行家報告~ 色澤 : 金色中閃耀著亮黃銅色。 香氣 : 柔潤的香草混合著鮮活的蘋果和洋梨香,在柔和的花香點綴下更顯得迷人。 口感 : 烤蘋果風味伴隨著蜂蜜的溫暖與香甜,與些許巧克力的複雜口感。豐富而複雜,帶有一絲焦糖、咖啡和煙燻木材味。 尾韻 : 帶著些許雪莉桶風味的綿長尾韻,令人陶醉。 |
Snow Phoenix Bottling Note~ A limited edition release commemorating a moment of drama in history of Glenfiddich.The whisky’s creation was inspired by the collapse of several Glenfiddich distillery roofs in January 2010, following weeks of heavy snow and record low temperatures. Weighed down by four feet of densely compacted snow, the roofs collapsed and exposed hundreds of maturing oak casks to the night sky. In wintery conditions and temperatures of -19˚C, distillery staff swung into action – working round the clock to clear the snow. Snow Phoenix was created by marrying together natural strength and non-chill filtered casks of different ages and finishes, including American oak and Oloroso sherry. The result is a single malt, gold in colour with bright copper highlights. Shifting snow around the clock gave the Glenfiddich distillery team a deep admiration for those who work in extreme conditions. Glenfiddich has therefore dedicated Snow Phoenix to the Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team (CMRT), who battle harsh environments to save lives in the heart of Speyside, and has made a special contribution to their funds. To celebrate this partnership Kinsman invited a group of CMRT volunteers to a mid-mountain tasting where they developed the Snow Phoenix tasting notes. By conducting the tasting notes at a high altitude, Kinsman was able to explore the difference temperature has on the taste of whisky. Tasting Notes~ Color : Gold with bright copper highlights. Nose : Creamy vanilla mixes with vibrant apple and pear, complemented by soft blossom. Taste: Wild flavours – apples roasted in campfire embers, sweetened with heather honey and accompanied by a little chocolate. Rich and complex with a trace of burned sugar, coffee and wood smoke. Finish: Exceptionally long. Austere sherry notes mellow into satisfying sweetness. |