台灣之光 KAVALAN VINHO 噶瑪蘭經典獨奏原酒系列 葡萄酒桶威士忌 W12 (700ml 59.4%)~ 世界威士忌競賽(World Whiskies Awards, WWA)在2015年3月19日於倫敦舉辦頒獎晚宴,除頒發日前宣布的獎項之外,更在晚宴上公佈噶瑪蘭經典獨奏Vinho葡萄酒桶單一麥芽威士忌榮獲2015世界最佳單一麥芽威士忌(2015 World's Best Single Malt)、亞洲最佳單一麥芽威士忌(2015 Best Asian Single Malt)之大獎殊榮。大賽評審對此款威士忌好評如潮:「出奇滑順的口感!(surprisingly smooth on the palate)」、「像是波本酒加進了巧克力牛奶!(it’s like Bourbon infused milk chocolate)」 以來自台灣的威士忌品牌獲得世界最佳單一麥芽威士忌大獎訊息,引發外媒報導狂熱,美國時代雜誌《TIME》更以「超乎想像」讚賞:You Won’t Believe Where the World’s Best Whiskey Comes From,副標更諧趣地以「Sorry, Scotland. Nice try, Japan」替噶瑪蘭榮登世界頂端得獎訊息作為完美的揭幕。 擁有專業與創新的噶瑪蘭酒廠,將旗下酒款融入台灣特有亞熱帶水果風味,同時具備國際級精品級的超凡質感,來自台灣的國際級威士忌 Kavalan噶瑪蘭,秉持、實踐著創辦的初衷-Pure Taiwan,再次讓台灣站上世界舞台大放異彩! 產品簡介:身為台灣之光的噶瑪蘭威士忌,自第一支威士忌上市以來,驚艷國際大放異彩,金車以嚴謹的態度,尊崇傳統並結合現代科技,不斷突破創新。專業的研究製酒團隊蒐取新知,嚴選挑選世界各地橡木桶,熟成最符合亞洲風味的噶瑪蘭威士忌。噶瑪蘭VINHO葡萄酒桶原酒威士忌,採用世界最佳葡萄酒桶,以白橡木桶自然風乾兩年,引進燒烤木桶技術,首批自行手工烘烤,展現VINHO獨一無二的特殊風味。 (色澤) 深秋金黃色 (風味) 綻放繽紛果香如香瓜、芒果、香草、焦糖香甜,結合葡萄酒特質之豐富融合體。呈現細緻既平衡之嗅感、完美呈現水果與橡木絕妙。 (口感) 甘甜極了!杏仁、黑巧克力、太妃糖、蜂蜜與芒果在舌尖繚繞。尾韻潔淨,整體複雜的風味體現於最佳麥芽威士忌中,豐富口感且值得回味再三。 |
Kavalan Solist Barrique Bottling Note~ To mature their Kavalan Solist Vinho Barrique expression, the King Car distillers in Taiwan use casks which have held both red and white wines, before being re-toasted. The whisky is fully matured in these casks to help their Taiwanese single malt develop a bold, expressive flavour profile brimming with berry, plum and caramelised sugar notes. World's Best Single Malt Whisky2015! Lots of stewed fruits on the nose. There’s also aged Bourbon notes. Water brings out custard creams. Surprisingly smooth on the palate. The alcohol is very present. It’s like Bourbon infused milk chocolate. Another nutty, meaty, savoury nose, with sweet notes in the backdrop. Very sweet pruney flavours initially on the palate, with fruit cake and big clove, chilli and dry cinnamon. Walnut and hazelnut on the very dry finish. Immediately and subtly liquor rich. Tiny bit of incense, a thread of spice and smoke. Caramel, marzipan, coffee-vanilla, fudge, rich, creamy, dried black fruits. Integrated and surprisingly light. Element of sandalwood. Starts creamy, waters out, almost disappears before rubbing hot brown sugar into the oesophagus. Tiny bitter trace. |